Sunday, March 7, 2010

Other Blog Sites on Instructional Design

As I stated in my first blog I'm new to the concept of blogging. So I'm going to jump right into my post.

I have been searching around looking for blogs that are fitting to my area of work, which would be training or instructional design for logistics. So overall, I didn't have to find anything special because my form of training is pretty universal.

As a starting point I visited, which is a blog link site that provided a great deal of information oriented direct to instructional design. I found the site confusing not very aesthetically many words and to large of paragraphs. I didn't want to judge a book by its cover so I clicked around for a little and read the site. After clicking on two links that interested me and not having them work I left the site!

So my second attempt to find information lead me to
This was a much better starting point.

One of the blogs that I found on Wordpress that had very interesting information was:

Overall I found the blog titled "The great yet underappreciated PowerPoint" which outlined how PowerPoint can actually be more then just the boring overused business presentation software title. The thought is that with a little bit of work in a e-learning software title you can change your boring PowerPoint that normally would be delivered in live setting and transform it into a e-learning presentation.

eLearningconcepts blog links over to the e-learning software company Articulate's blog site because they are very big with what "they" call "rapid e-learning", the idea of being able to design and implement e-learning in as simple and as fast as possible. This idea caught my attention because 90% of training I deliver are designed in PowerPoint, and I have done a conversion of some of my trainings over to e-learning via the software Camtasia wasn't as self-paced as I would have liked it to be.

I signed up to receive a free e-book from
Articulate's blog, but I haven't seen the confirmation email for the book, I'll post an update when I do!

If your looking for how you can create a powerful message without having to utilize bullet points in PowerPoint take a look at these two video on eLearningConcepts blog, Bullet Points vs No Bullet Points, the message of the blog will speak for itself!


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