Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Daydreams lead to creativity
I found this article after think about when I come up with good ideas, and how daydreaming isn't always a bad "thing".
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Information Processing Theory
We utilize the concepts of information processing theory every day, for example if I were to give you my phone number I wouldn’t say my number is 5553450213 and just rattle it off with no breaks. I would say my number is 555-345-0213 this is an example of the chucking approach to the encoding process. “Chunking is breaking the information up into manageable chunks”
We utilize the same approach when trying to memorize account numbers and credit card numbers; it’s helpful to breakdown the information into manageable bit because it aids in the retrieval process (trying to recall the information at a later date).
Over the past week I have been digging into to different websites trying to narrow down the sites that explain information processing theory, in a plain English way.
The first site that I found on information processing
theory was:, which is a York
website, for Theories used in IS Research.
Overall, It’s a simple site that has a direct overview of the theory listed in a sections titled, “Concise description of theory”. The second useful portion of the site is the “Diagram/schematic of theory” which shows a flow chart of the theory.
Lastly, the site has a links to other websites which I found very helpful to my research this week.
The second site I found on Information Processing Theory was:, which is a Charles Sturt University website.
Overall, it has a lot of the same content was the other site, but it’s a little more detailed.
It breaks down the theory and explains in detail different types of encoding and retrieval processes. The part of the site that really caught my eye was section titled “USING THE INFORMATION PROCESSING APPROACH IN THE CLASSROOM”, which is a breakdown of different principals in the theory, and then a real
world example on how it could be implemented/utilized in a classroom.
There are a lot of other sites out there with information on this theory; feel free to post comments with links to sites you find helpful!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Other Blog Sites on Instructional Design
I have been searching around looking for blogs that are fitting to my area of work, which would be training or instructional design for logistics. So overall, I didn't have to find anything special because my form of training is pretty universal.
As a starting point I visited, which is a blog link site that provided a great deal of information oriented direct to instructional design. I found the site confusing not very aesthetically many words and to large of paragraphs. I didn't want to judge a book by its cover so I clicked around for a little and read the site. After clicking on two links that interested me and not having them work I left the site!
So my second attempt to find information lead me to
This was a much better starting point.
One of the blogs that I found on Wordpress that had very interesting information was:
Overall I found the blog titled "The great yet underappreciated PowerPoint" which outlined how PowerPoint can actually be more then just the boring overused business presentation software title. The thought is that with a little bit of work in a e-learning software title you can change your boring PowerPoint that normally would be delivered in live setting and transform it into a e-learning presentation.
eLearningconcepts blog links over to the e-learning software company Articulate's blog site because they are very big with what "they" call "rapid e-learning", the idea of being able to design and implement e-learning in as simple and as fast as possible. This idea caught my attention because 90% of training I deliver are designed in PowerPoint, and I have done a conversion of some of my trainings over to e-learning via the software Camtasia wasn't as self-paced as I would have liked it to be.
I signed up to receive a free e-book from Articulate's blog, but I haven't seen the confirmation email for the book, I'll post an update when I do!
If your looking for how you can create a powerful message without having to utilize bullet points in PowerPoint take a look at these two video on eLearningConcepts blog, Bullet Points vs No Bullet Points, the message of the blog will speak for itself!
My First Post!
This is my first post on my blog. Blogging is something that I disagree because my under graduate degree is in Broadcast Communication and I believe that blogging is to oriented towards writing without verifying facts and sources. (I'm going to do my best to not write without knowing my facts and sources!)
Information I have researched in the past:
With technology growing it's not hard to believe that according to a news article, nearly half of the 1,979 people who responded to the survey said their primary source of news and information is the Internet. The technology movement coincides with the statistic but also adds a level of complexity to the topic “Technology is the greatest thing, and you can't put the genie back in the bottle so we as journalist need to learn how use that technology to help us do our jobs better. To tell stories, to gather facts, and to get our product out to customers; but at the same time this technology has totally blurred what is factual and what is not factual, for most people.” (Kevin Doran, Anchor/Reporter, Managing Editor WROC-TV/FOX Rochester)